
We sincerely thank all of our partners for making Model NATO Germany possible!

Federal Academy for Security Policy

The Federal Academy for Security Policy (German: Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik, BAKS) is the educational center for security policy of the Federal Government of Germany.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization


The promotion of social justice, democracy, peace and security is our top priority as a partner to German foreign and developmental policy. With an international network of over 100 offices we connect key players to develop comprehensive, transnational concepts, for example in the fields of foreign and security policy or climate and energy policy.


Nationally and internationally, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is committed to peace, freedom, security, democracy and the rule of law. They promote dialogue and international cooperation with a network of over 100 offices worldwide. Security is one of the core issues. The achievements and challenges of NATO and European integration are main topics.